Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

HPG members are a close-knit group of active, high-value private capital providers to Lloyd’s who are concerned with business going forward, and opportunities to improve their investment returns, without unduly dwelling on the past.

By joining the HPG you support its valuable role as a lobbying group , providing a voice which is heard and respected.

Regular newsletters and occasional briefing papers are sent out to members to keep them abreast of current issues.

The HPG Annual General Meeting and Conference held in April or May, is a major event in the Lloyd’s calendar, attracting leading Lloyd’s figures as speakers. HPG members pay a reduced attendance fee whilst non-Members are welcome to attend.

How to join the HPG

Membership is aimed at those currently underwriting £1 million including those who represent members of their families where family members together underwrite in excess of that sum.
The annual subscription is £500.

Click here to download the application form.
